Echo - Location Details Tab 101
The “Location Details” tab allows you to add a logo, add business hours, see email settings, and connected accounts.
To add a logo you would press the “Add Logo” button. This logo is what will show on the emails.
Business Hours
In location details is where you will find your business hours, you are able to adjust them. Business hours are important if you have auto replies active. This means, if a text comes through after office hours, the person would receive an auto reply saying you are not in the office currently (you are able to edit the auto reply to your desire). If someone sends a text during office hours, no auto reply would be sent.
Email Settings
This is where you would put what email/name you want displaying when the system emails patients. Replies will come into the email inbox that you have in the “Default Reply-to”.
Connected Accounts
Adding your accounts will assist you in seeing reviews all in one place. If you want responses to your reviews you would need them to be connected. If you have accounts connected, to see the reviews you would go to the “Reviews” tab and then a dropdown will appear, in the dropdown click the “Overview” tab. You will then see a “Recent Reviews” section where they will populate.